Can’t come for the whole pilgrimage? Join us on Monday.

Everyone is welcome to come for Mass at the Cape, and join the picnic with the pilgrims. If you wish to walk the last 5 kilometres with us, just approach one of the organizers at the picnic.

If you do join us on Monday, please bring your own food and drink. We supply a picnic only for the fee-paying pilgrims who have walked 100 km.

In good weather, walking pilgrims will arrive in the park in front of the Ursuline Convent of Trois-Rivières at 11:15 am, 734 rue des Ursulines, Trois-Rivieres G9A 5B5. There is usually parking available nearby.

If it’s raining hard, the picnic is normally in the basement of the Cathedral of Trois-Rivières, at 1101 Rue Royale, Trois-Rivieres G9A 2B3.

After a fast picnic, at 12 pm sharp we resume walking the last hour to Cap-de-la-Madeleine. Family and friends are welcome to join in, but you must follow the instructions of the Pilgrimage leadership and organizers and walk as one group with the banners and statue of Our Lady.

Mass at the Cape takes place in the small shrine starting at around 13:15.

After Mass, all luggage and camping gear, plus any lost & found, will be unloaded in the big parking lot by the Basilica. Please pick up your things promptly so everyone can begin the long drive home.